Setting Goals for 2020!

We had a great Cobblers' Collective meeting this morning to set our goals. Using the worksheet Rebecca Reimers Cristol shared with us last week as a base, we all took a moment to set our goals for 2020. Here’s the worksheet if you don’t have it.

Jenn wrote them down in her handy bullet journal, and we'll check back in at the start of the next quarter to see how everyone is doing.

Accountability is a great tool to help you achieve your goals. When someone holds you accountable, you're more likely to move forward. In fact, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that the pressure of others seems to make people achieve more. It was a small study, here's an abstract, but there have been others that point in the same direction.

If you've got some goals you'd like us to hold you accountable for, email us at, and we'll add them to the list. The list is private and off-line, so you don't have to worry about the whole world knowing you want to increase your revenue by 25%. And not all the goals we set are business goals.

Many of us find that our work fills our days, and what's left over goes to our other commitments. As a result, our health is put on the back burner and neglected. Since for most of us, we ARE the business; we need to make sure we're taking care of the "meat sack," as Gretchen says. And if you really don't want to share, but want the accountability anyway, you can always give it a code word. Then we'll check back in and see how "watermelon" is doing.

Next week’s morning meeting was inspired by Gretchen saying, “I want to lead the horse to water, but not bait the troll under the bridge to eat the horse.” How do you educate the public about what you do while leaving yourself protected from the folks who would create discord, particularly in social media?

Gretchen Bedell