The #gettingitwrite Challenge and notes from this morning.

How do you feed the Google Monster™?

This morning we discussed how content creation on blogs, social networks, and on your website can play a role in your marketing (for better or worse.)  It seems that we’re all feeling like we should be doing “more,” but aren’t sure what that “more” looks like.

We talked about how to find your voice when it comes to your business pages.  (Think about what’d you would say to a potential client if you ran into them on the street.  You have information that might find interesting, and they can take it or leave it.) We weighed in on the benefits of video vs. written posts (it all depends on your audience’s needs, and chances are you need a hybrid of both.)  And even helped each other brainstorm a few topics that would be helpful. (There, their, they’re!)

This conversation inspired a Cobblers Challenge, #gettingitwrite.  The goal (for anyone who wants to participate, and we really mean ANYONE) is to write one piece to publish before our February 25 meeting.

Head over to the Cobblers Slack, where we have a special channel (#gettingitwrite) just for the challenge.  There you can post suggestions for other people to write about, ask for help brainstorming topics for your business, and post links to your published pieces.  We’ll go check them out and leave constructive criticism in the slack channel.

Next week we’re going to have a “like me” party where we all like each other’s business social media and brainstorm topics for all of us to post about.  You can join us Thursday mornings at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom at

It’s time to get to typing Cobblers!

Gretchen Bedell